[TRNSYS-users] Mistakes configuration serie-paralel type 1

Alex moreno alamoreno19 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 6 11:54:31 PST 2017

I am working with a model that I need to work with collectors connected in series, the total area of the collector is 15m2, each collector has an area of 0.1 m2, and the intercept efficiency 0.62 and the coefficient 12 W / m2k approx, my question arises because I get very similar results in the following two configurations:

1 configuration:
   Type 1b --- Area = 16.2m2 n series = 1 mass flow = 75kg / hm2 * Area

2 configuration
24 Type 1b connected in parallel and each type 1 configured in the following way: Area = 0.556 Areatot = 0.556 * 24 nserie = 12 masflow = 75 * Areatot / nserie

In my opinion I think the second configuration would have to give a lower performance, although the total area of the twelve collectors in series is small .0.566m2, I think the performance of the installation would have to be smaller.

You can help me clarify this doubt

Thank you


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