[TRNSYS-users] Compressed Gas Storage

Ghady Dib deebghady at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 09:26:38 PST 2017

Hello again,

My problem is: that I defined a P_initial at the reservoir, and when I plot
the PGAS in function of time, it start with zero and not with P_initial.

On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 4:18 PM, Ghady Dib <deebghady at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am using the “Compressed Gas Storage, Type 164, linked with a liquid
> piston compressor (a model that I created with FORTRAN).
> The simulation consists of compressing air and store it in the reservoir.
> The outputs of the ‘’Type 164’’ are: Volume of gas in the reservoir,
> Pressure of the gas in the reservoir, Pressure level and the Vdot_dump.
> Initially the ‘’Type 164’’ perform initial time-step manipulations where
> the number of moles initially in the reservoir are calculated after finding
> the initial pressure
> (P_INI = PLEV_INI (Level of pressure * PMAX * 1E5). And then the PGAS is
> calculated by calculating the number of moles IN - moles OUT which they are
> function of VDOT_IN (output of my compressor model)
> I want to begin (at first time step) to compress the air from an inlet
> pressure (that I fix, for ex: 10 bars) to an exit pressure (also that I
> fix) that is equal to that initial pressure of the reservoir; For that
> purpose I linked the PGAS (output of the Type 164) to the exit pressure of
> my compressor (that is an input for my model).
> It is not working; (I thought that trnsys will know that at initial time
> the PGAS = P_INI and then I have an input for my compressor initially at
> time0); apparently there is something wrong (Maybe PGAS initially is not
> taking P_INI into consideration and then  at this stage PGAS can not be
> calculated because VDOT_IN is not given).
> I need your help.
> Thank you in advance.
> --
> * Ghady DIBPhD studentLaboratoire CETHIL UMR 5008 Groupe Energétique des
> Systèmes Thermiques et Frigorifiques (ESTF) Département Génie Energétique
> et Environnement INSA Lyon France*


*  Ghady DIBDoctorantLaboratoire CETHIL UMR 5008 Groupe Energétique des
Systèmes Thermiques et Frigorifiques (ESTF) Département Génie Energétique
et Environnement INSA Lyon FranceTel:+ (33) 6 33 52 96 74
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