[TRNSYS-users] Error in transfer functions when using GenOpt

Marie-Claude Hamelin marieclaude.hamelin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 13:58:10 PDT 2011

Hi all,
I am using TRNSYS16 with GenOpt to run an optimization on the envelope. 
For the moment, I am only modifying the insulation layers in one type of 
wall (the roof). Only thicknesses values of the insulation layers are 
modified. GenOpt stops running without any error message in the .log 
file (not even a single warning). I found that in the .inf file, the 
transfer function coefficients for the roof are all equal to NaN. 
However, when I open the GenOptRun.bui file, the roof wall type is 
properly defined with the correct insulation thickness (changing from 
one run to another). Does anyone have an idea of what is going between 
the bui and the inf files?
Thank you for your help!

Marie-Claude Hamelin
M.A.Sc. Candidate, Building Engineering

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