[TRNSYS-users] Starting a TRNSED application from a batch file (or similar)

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Thu Apr 28 14:02:21 PDT 2011

   It is possible to start the TRNExe directly with the name of an input 
file either from the command line or from a batch file. As far as I know 
it is not possible to start TRNSED that way, however. I'm not sure I see 
the advantage of starting TRNSED since it is intended as an interface to 
make targeted modifications to an input file. It would be wise to 
contact your distributor about running TRNSYS in this mode to make sure 
that you are respecting the license agreement; they can give you 
guidance about the correct syntax of the call.

On 4/28/2011 05:58, Jochen Doell wrote:
> Dear TRNSYS users,
> is it possible to start a TRNSED application from a batch file without 
> having to select a file and klicking something somewhere?
> So far, I succeeded in starting the exe with a batch file like this:
> @echo off
> start "" "MyTrnsedApp.exe"
> exit
> But I still have to klick ok in the popup window, choose the .trd file 
> and then start the simulation manually.
> Any ideas? I am free to migrate to other ways than batch files...
> Best regards,
> Jochen

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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