[TRNSYS-users] U-values, Infiltration, Humidity...

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Fri Jul 24 13:03:44 PDT 2009

I think you are best off getting a list of the materials that make up 
the walls and roofs, then looking online for typical values of the 
thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat of those materials.
Kind regards,

A.Thome-08 at student.lboro.ac.uk wrote:
> Good afternoon everyone,
> I almost finished to model my building. However, for most of the paramaters
> the I had to enter ( U value for the wall/active layer/roof, infiltration,
> humidity, ventilation...) within type56, I took a guess.
> How could I do to asses these parameters more accurately?
> Is there a reference (book?) which I could use to make a proper
> benchmarking?
> PS: I know that the whole dwelling has been renovated in 1999 and I will go
> on site in couple of weeks.
> Thank you very much.
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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
F: +1.608.278.1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com 
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