[TRNSYS-users] About the matlab versions

hotline hotline at Transsolar.com
Thu Jun 27 05:38:26 PDT 2024

Dear User, 

We have discontinued the use of this email list in favor of a forum. Please visit: www.trnsys.org/community.

However, I will try to help you with this one: Which version of Matlab are you using? 
If you need another .dll of Type 155 I can send it to you. Please do let me know.

Make sure you follow all the points in the instruction PDF :
1. Make sure that neither TRNSYS nor Matlab is installed in the .\Program Files\ directory.
2. Make sure that both your user account and the SYSTEM user (a built-in Windows user account) have full administrative privileges.
3. The Type155.dll in your ..\TrnsysXX\Exe directory must match the version of Matlab that you are using. DLLs for various Matlab releases are located in the ..\TrnsysXX\Exe\DLLs\ directory. If you find your version of Matlab there, extract the Type155.dll and place it in ..\TrnsysXX\Exe, replacing the file that is already in that location. If you do not see your version of Matlab in the ..\TrnsysXX\Exe\DLLs\ directory please contact your distributor; they can provide you with an appropriate version of the file.
4. Add the path to libeng.dll, which is normally located in C:\Matlab\bin\win64, to your windows search path (assuming you installed in C:\Matlab, otherwise adapt)

Kind regards, 
Alina Wagner

Transsolar KlimaEngineering
Stuttgart  | München | Paris | New York


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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org> Im Auftrag von ??!?? via TRNSYS-users
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Juni 2024 06:54
An: trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Cc: 芜湖!起飞 <m676978472 at icloud.com>
Betreff: [TRNSYS-users] About the matlab versions

Dear all,

I am a new user of TRNSYS and I want to call MATLAB using the TYPE155 implementation. I have learned that the versions of MATLAB and TRNSYS need to match, and I found that in TRNSYS18-Exe-DLLs, there are some Type155 versions that can be used for different MATLAB versions, like 'Type155(forMatlab2016a)', can I just install one of these MATLAB versions? Or I still need to find the version number in the manual?

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