[TRNSYS-users] Trnsys Heat recovery component based on heat rate as input

Mohammad Al Rbai M.Alrbai at ju.edu.jo
Sat Nov 25 14:19:29 PST 2023

Hello everyone,

I am looking for Trnsys component which works like a steam generator using waste heat. However, I don not have the waste heat flow rate and temperature, instead I have the available  thermal energy from the heat waste source in (Kw) as hourly data. Unfortunately, I could not find any component that can have the waste heat in terms of heat rate (Kw) as input. All of them as I can see need the waste heat  flow rate and temperature. Can you advise please.



Email: m.alrbai at ju.edu.jo<mailto:m.alrbai at ju.edu.jo>
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