[TRNSYS-users] Diaphragm Wall Heat Exchanger module type 5100 developed in the course of Horizon 2020 GEOTeCH Project

Eric Peterson E.Peterson at leeds.ac.uk
Tue May 10 11:28:36 PDT 2022

I am pleased to let you know that the article "Evaluation of diaphragm wall heat exchanger potential" is now available online.  I made extensive use of TRNSYS17 to make this contribution to ground source heating and cooling with a foundation heat exchanger module developed by Professor Simon Rees and dynamic thermal network (DTN) files developed by Dr Ida Shafagh at University of Leeds.

To help you access and share this work, the publisher created a Share Link - a personalized URL providing 40 days' free access to your article. Anyone clicking on this link before June 21, 2022 will be taken directly to the article on ScienceDirect, which they are welcome to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees are required.

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Eric Peterson, PhD, PE, M-ASHRAE
Visiting Research Fellow
University of Leeds
United Kingdom

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