[TRNSYS-users] Vertical thermal storage tank - type158 vs type534

thornton at tess-inc.com thornton at tess-inc.com
Wed Oct 27 09:22:23 PDT 2021

On 2021-10-27 08:33, Pouyan Talebizadehsardari (Staff) via TRNSYS-users 

> It seems that in type534, the TES losses energy faster and so needs to
> gain energy from the heat source quicker. The total heat delivered to
> the fluid before entering to port 1 is higher for type534 compared
> with type 158.

Type 158 is a derivative work from Type 534 so they should give nearly 
identical results when driven with the same inputs and parameters.  Did 
you compare the outputs to see where the problem may be?  Check the 
losses, stored energy term, delivered energy, etc.  That should point 
you to the problem.  If you still can't find it then I suggest you send 
it to your distributor for a quick check.

Jeff W. Thornton
Thermal Energy System Specialists LLC
3 N. Pinckney Street, Suite 202
Madison WI 53703 USA
(608) 274-2577

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