[TRNSYS-users] Different temperatures for two windows in the same model type 56

Pascual Ortiz, Carol carol.pascual at tecnalia.com
Mon May 24 02:49:36 PDT 2021

Dear TRNSYS users:

I am trying to simulate a greenhouse using type 56, for that I have defining the walls as windows and now I´d would like to add different ambient temperature to the glazing roof. What I mean, I´d like to define for example, a constant temperature to the glazing roof but not for the rest of the surfaces, the vertical surfaces will have the ambient temperature of the weather data file. Is it possible?

Thank you very much for your help,
Best regards,

Carol Pascual Ortiz
Ekipamendu eta Sistema Termikoen Laborategia / Laboratorio de Equipos y Sistemas Térmicos / Thermal Equipment and Systems Laboratory

Energia Eraginkortasun eta Planifikazio Saila / Área de Eficiencia y Planificación Energética / Energy Efficiency and Planning Area

Energia eta Ingurumen Atala /División Energía y Medio Ambiente / Energy and Environment Division

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