[TRNSYS-users] take of the trnsys mailing list

Sabine Jansen - BK S.C.Jansen at tudelft.nl
Tue May 19 02:23:59 PDT 2020

Dear reader,

As I will be leaving TU Delft, can you take me off the mailing list?

Thank you!

Sabine Jansen

Dr.ir. Sabine Jansen
Assistant professor Future Proof Neighbourhood Energy Systems
Department of Architectural Engineering + Technology
Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Julianalaan 134, room 01+.West.030
2628 BL Delft, The Netherlands
s.c.jansen at tudelft.nl<mailto:s.c.jansen at tudelft.nl>
tel: +31 6 42428622 | skype: s.c.jansen

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