[TRNSYS-users] Matlab code, Trnsys, Dck file

Dr Yi Zhang yi at jeplus.org
Thu Jan 23 02:14:06 PST 2020

You can use jEPlus as the intermediate to control parameter values in DCK. The process is like:
- Start jEPlus and set the location of TRNSYS executable
- Create a jEPlus project for TRNSYS, define parameters, and insert the search tags in the .dck file
- Test the project with jEPlus to make sure that everything works and the simulation results are extracted
- From Matlab, call jEPlus using its command-line, either with parameter values directly, or with a job-list file
- When simulations complete (they will be run in parallel, as an additional benefit), load the csv file generated by jEPlus

Here is the user’s guide for jEPlus: http://www.jeplus.org/wiki/doku.php?id=docs:manual_1_7
And, here are command-lines for running jEPlus projects: http://www.jeplus.org/wiki/doku.php?id=docs:manual_1_7_advanced#specify_jobs_with_parameter_values


Sent: 23 January 2020 09:27
To: TRNSYS users mailing list at OneBuilding.org
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Matlab code, Trnsys, Dck file

Dear Trnsys users,

I wish to create programme in matlab that will evaluate the influence of several variables. 
I know that I can call Trnsys from matlab if I use the command line : TRNExe.exe FileNameToRun.dck
But how can I access the Dck file and change the value of my variables  with the matlab code? 

I will be grateful if you can help me.

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