[TRNSYS-users] Additional checking functions: EQWARN, GTWARN, GEWARN, NEWARN

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Wed Aug 19 06:21:03 PDT 2020


   Sorry for the delay in responding about this. I have not dug into the 
problem yet but could you please tell me which version of Trnsys you are 

kind regards,


On 08/17/2020 03:45, Christoph Buettner via TRNSYS-users wrote:
> Dear TRNSYS-users,
> accordingly to TRNSYS Volume 6 TRNEdit, we can use the functions 
> eqwarn, gtwarn, gewarn and newarn to generate a notice, warning or 
> error (set as third argument), after first and second 
> expression/argument are compared. (The description in the 
> documentation is quite wrong, the error is generated if function is TRUE)
> I’m using this function to stop early simulations and reduce 
> processing time e.g. after a temperature is too often too low.
> I got some problems with this.
> 1.The functions generate an error, even if I set the third argument to 
>  0 or 1 for notice or warning.
> 2.The function compares all iteration of a timestep. This means, even 
> if the comparison of two values at the END of a timestep is FALSE, it 
> generate the error.
> Regarding Point 1:
> The SourceFile Eval.f90 has a part for Fatal and Warning: I think a 
> change of the second FATAL to WARNING should work, but where is the 
> notice Part?
> Case (33) !eqwarn
>     If (stack(top) == stack(top+1)) Then
>        stack(top) = 1.d0
>                    If (stack(top+2) > 1.5) Then
>           Call Messages(617,atemp,'FATAL',-1,-1) !Generate an error 
> message
> eval = -99999.d0
> Return
> ElseIf (stack(top+2) > 0.5) Then
>           Call Messages(617,atemp,'FATAL',-1,-1) !Generate an error 
> message
> eval = -99999.d0
>   Return
>        EndIf
>     Else
>        stack(top) = 0.d0
>     EndIf
> Regarding Point 2:
> How can the calculation of an Equation be done only at the end of a 
> timestep (like a Printer)?
> Right now I’m using the saved values of last timestep, but maybe it’s 
> possible to set the calculation of these warn-function to “After 
> Convergence”? Every Type has this “If(getIsEndOfTimestep()) Then”-Part.
> I’m grateful for any ideas.
> Chris
> ________________________________________________________________
> M.Sc. Christoph Büttner
> Abteilung Solare Systeme
> /Solar systems department/
> Arbeitsgruppe Thermische Energiesysteme
> /Workgroup Thermal Energy Systems/
> Institut für Solarenergieforschung GmbH
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> D-31860 Emmerthal
> Phone: +49 (0) 5151 999 647
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> eMail: _ch.buettner at isfh.de <mailto:ch.buettner at isfh.de>_
> Internet: www.isfh.de <http://www.isfh.de/>
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> Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Rolf Brendel
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Ministerialrat Dr. Sebastian Huster//
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
3 North Pinckney Street - suite 202
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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