[TRNSYS-users] type 927 outlet source temperature

Emre Arpaci emrearpaci10 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 04:43:15 PDT 2019

I just realised that my heat pump outlet source temperature is changing
between 4 and -1.2 degree as you see in the new clear picture.
When I do not use the control system, the output source temperature
remained as -1.2 degree(heat pump always turn on) . When I use the control
system, the output temperature varied. I think everything is normal.

I m sorry to hurry up and sent the mail.
[image: heatpump2.jpg]
[image: heat1.jpg]

Jeff Thornton via TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org>, 5 Eyl
2019 Per, 04:43 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

> Emre,
> No it's not normal for the outlet temperature to be the inlet temperature
> - unless there is no heat transfer going on.  Did you turn the heat pump
> and the pump on?  Did you plot the energy flows from the heat pump to see
> what they show?  It's hard to see your plot but if the pump temperature in
> pink is being plotted, and it's the same temperature as the outlet
> temperature in red, then the pink line would totally cover the red line -
> which doesn't look like it's happening....
> Jeff
> ---
> Jeff Thornton
> President - TESS LLC
> 3 N. Pinckney Street, Suite 202, Madison WI USA 53703
> Office: (608) 274-2577  Fax: (608) 278-1475www.tess-inc.com
> E-Mail: thornton at tess-inc.com
> On 09/04/2019 1:13 pm, Emre Arpaci via TRNSYS-users wrote:
> hello trnsys users
> I m heating a greenhouse with water source heat pump as you see in the
> figure.
> I m using a lake as the heat source ( open loop system)
> my heat pump values are there
> Rated heating capacity : 58120 kj/hr
> rated heating power : 15120     kj/hr
> inlet source flowrate : 1700 kg/hr
> inlet load flowrate : 2600 kg/hr
> and my lake montly temperatures
> january : 4 santigrad degree
> february :5
> march : 6 ...etc.
> so my question is that my heat pump output source temperature and the
> inlet source temperature are same,   is this normal ?
> I thınk the output source temperature should be less than inlet source
> temperature( 4 degrees and changing montly ). because the source energy is
> absorbed in heating mode.
> thanks
> [image: heatpmp1.jpg]
> [image: heatpmp2.jpg]
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