[TRNSYS-users] TRNBuild Cooling Load Calculations - Validation In Iran (Tehran)

Hooman Azad hooman_azad79 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Sep 2 10:03:50 PDT 2018

Dear Sir/Madam

I’m trying to calculate the cooling load for a simple building located in
Tehran, Iran.  The dimensions are 20m*10m*2.5m, with the 20m long façades
face due North-South, as you can see in the attached files. The Maximum
cooling load is obtained to be about 17000kJ/hr or 1.34 USRT which is about
0.007 USTR per square meter. In Iran, HVAC engineers use about 0.03 USRT per
square meter for Tehran’s cooling load as a rule of thumb, which is about 4
times the result obtained from TRNBuild. 

Please kindly help me with the issue, since TRNBuild is not used for
cooling/heating load calculations in Iran and I’m trying to present it as a
useful tool. Your assistance could be very decisive.

Best Regards

Hooman Azad




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