[TRNSYS-users] Heat extarcted from a borhole

berkane ahlem jinan.berkane at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 23:31:40 PDT 2018

hello sirs,
 i calculate heat extracted  from a borehole every year within 10
years(87600) i use type 557a, I find
in frist year the heat extracted is (-6824.33kwh) ,decreasing in the
second year  (-6792.33kwh)  and then
increasing in the third year (-6804.004kwh) and decreasing in  the
forth year (-6793.2kwh) *while it should decrease every year .*I’m
attaching here my project file, can anyone help me to  solve this problem
Thann you
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40.00  40.00   40.00   ! Values of Entering Load Temperatures in Degrees Celsius
-3.90  -0.60  2.8  ! Values of Entering Source Temperatures in Degrees Celsius 
9.21   3.26    !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-3.90 
9.99   3.28    !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-0.60 
10.83   3.32  !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/2.80 
9.21   3.26    !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-3.90 
9.99   3.28    !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-0.60 
10.83   3.32  !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/2.80 
9.21   3.26    !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-3.90 
9.99   3.28    !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-0.60 
10.83   3.32  !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/2.80 
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