[TRNSYS-users] Calculating Hours Under set point//Unmet hours

Bishan Thapa bthapa1 at uncc.edu
Thu Oct 18 09:46:16 PDT 2018

Hello everyone,

I was looking to calculate hours under set point which counts the unmet
hours excluding the night set back. I need to do that for first three
months and last two months of year as those are only the heating periods
for me.

I have developed preliminary equation in equation tab.
2160 =end of march
7296 = beginning of november
K1 = LE(time,2160)
K2 = GE(time,7296)
HUSP = K1*LT(temp,21) +K2*LT(temp,21)

But this calculation includes the night set back temperature as well which
is 18 C. How to avoid including the night set back temperature in the
calculation ?

Thank you

Bishan Thapa
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