[TRNSYS-users] Trnsys 17+Genopt problem

Zhiyong Tian via TRNSYS-users trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Thu Mar 2 06:28:08 PST 2017

Dear all,

I have a strange problem about the Genopt. I have an early verision of  trnsys model and Genopt, which can run perfectly.

I just update my model with new types, actually just one type. The TRnsys model can run without any problems.

But, when I want to run Genopt in the updated model, there are always some error like below.

Any people know any solutions to this?


Optimization terminated with error.

Error message:

Exception in executing the simulation program

Simulation working directory : 'C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1'
Command string               : 'C:\Trnsys17\Exe\TRNExe.exe "C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '
Exception message:

Error in executing the simulation program
Exit value of the simulation program: 1
Working directory                   : 'C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1'.
Current command String              : 'C:\Trnsys17\Exe\TRNExe.exe "C:\Trnsys17\Optimization\GenOpt\Simulation\tmp-genopt-run-1\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '.
Error stream of simulation program  : Simulation program did not return an error stream.

GenOpt terminated with error.
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