[TRNSYS-users] Type 16 (radiation processor)

adnan rasheed via TRNSYS-users trnsys-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Sat Sep 10 04:55:35 PDT 2016

Hello everyone,

My question is about TRNSYS type 9 (weather data reader) and type 16
(radiation processor). I am using feild weather data to apply to a building
3d model by using type 56. I have 17 surfaces (beacause of my roof design)
in the model and type 16 only allows 8 surfaces to give output for,

when i connect 3d model with type 15 (weather data reader and processor) it
automatically connect 17 surfaces. But I cannot use type 15 because I need
to use my own weather data in text file. How can I deal with that.

Best regards

PhD student
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