[TRNSYS-users] Unable to Compile New Component

Bradley Painting paintingbr at appstate.edu
Fri Oct 23 06:50:46 PDT 2015

I am trying to make a couple changes to the Type 559 component to allow for
night sky radiative cooling. First I am trying to just create a new
component that will be read by TRNSYS by saving the existing Type 559 as
Type 242. I have created the Type242.tmf, linked it to the Type242.f90, and
exported the proforma as fortran (Type242.for) into my compiler folder. I
am using G95 and following the instructions on the University of Wisconsin

When I run compile.bat I keep getting an error that says function
"getSimulationTime() has no implicit type", and it is creating a few new
Type242 files but not the Type242.dll I need to actually run the component.
How can I overcome this error? Thanks.


Brad Painting

Master of Science Candidate, Renewable Energy Engineering

Department of Technology & Environmental Design

Appalachian State University

Boone, NC  28608
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