[TRNSYS-users] opening for research fellow: Modeling and Simulation of Innovative Building Energy Systems

Hensen, J.L.M. j.hensen at tue.nl
Fri Jun 28 05:57:27 PDT 2013

Dear all,

We currently have an opening for a research fellow as detailed on:


I would appreciate it very much if you could forward this email to potential candidates.

Thanks in advance!

Jan Hensen

prof. dr. ir. Jan L.M. Hensen  | Eindhoven University of Technology  | Building Physics & Systems| P.O. Box 513 - VRT6.18 | 5600 MB EINDHOVEN, Netherlands   | +31 (0)40 247 2988 | www.bwk.tue.nl/bps/hensen<http://www.bwk.tue.nl/bps/hensen>

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