[TRNSYS-users] TESS Chiller Models

Santiago Naranjo Palacio sn377 at cornell.edu
Tue Jul 31 16:17:42 PDT 2012

Dear TRNSYS-users,

I have been using both of the chiller models supplied by TESS (Type 655 and
666) and I have a couple of questions regarding the data files needed to
use them. How were exactly these numbers obtained (the Capacity Ratio and
COP ratio)? I am trying to use the chillers for different chilled water
temperature settings and ambient temperatures and I was wondering how to do
this. If I understand the model correctly, this means that these chillers
only approximate power consumption based on the data provided and there is
no other criteria. Correct?

I would greatly appreciate any input.


Santiago Naranjo Palacio, Ph.D. Candidate
Cornell University, New York
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