[TRNSYS-users] Error 50

R.K. Singh singh.ramkishore at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 02:57:46 PDT 2011

Dear All,
I am using type 15-6 and type 56 components for simulating a spherical
building that is defined by 144 surfaces. I have connected successfully all
requiered connection between two. One error 50 arrive at the time of running
the model. Though, I have changed the *ns_max=200* from *25* in *Type 15.f90
* [Parameter (ns_max=25,nitems_max=36,nout=52+8*ns_max)] file. The screen
shot is attached herewith for your kind reference.

I would be very thankful if anybody can help to resolve this problem.

Ramkishore Singh
Department of Energy & Environment
TERI University
Web: www.teriuniversity.ac.in
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