[TRNSYS-users] Use of variable names from equations as input (string) to Types

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Fri Sep 2 08:34:32 PDT 2011

Angela and Andreas,
   That is a known bug; it is on the fix-list. I am glad that you 
brought it back to our attention as it seems to have gotten missed in 
the beta version that we are currently testing!

On 8/31/2011 11:24, Angela Dröscher wrote:
> Dear Trnsys-users,
> we just found out some surprising behaviour with the use of variable 
> names, equations and the control-cards - maybe someone else already 
> wondered about that:
> # Working fine: If you define variables in an equation in the studio, 
> you can use these variable names (as strings) as inputs - both for 
> parameters and inputs - to other Types.
> # Working unexpectedly: If you define variables in an equation in the 
> control cards, the use as parameters for other Types works fine, 
> however, for inputs to other Types the variable names are only 
> identified as initial values but the respective connection in the deck 
> file is "0,0". Defining the connection directly in the deck-file works 
> but is of course unfeasible if you are working with the studio...
> Seems to be a bug in the deck writing routine?
> Best regards,
> Angela Dröscher & Andreas Heinz

Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
22 North Carroll Street - suite 370
Madison, WI  53703 USA

d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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