[TRNSYS-users] energy bilans for Type 56

Damien Gondre damien.gondre at insa-lyon.fr
Fri Nov 18 02:05:22 PST 2011

Hi Karol,

I had the same questions a while ago and someone else would probably gives
you more trustable answers than me. But I will try to answer you with what
I figured out (someone please corrects me if I'm wrong).

"It is mean that if I introduce some supply air (ventilation manager) in
zone then TRNBuild assume that there is also exhaust air?"

This is true. If you introduce in zone A 50m3/h of air at Tout for
instance, Trnsys will assume that the same amount of air (50m3/h) leaves
zone A at temperature of zone A (T_A).

"Then you define ventilation for zone B and parameters of air will be taken
from zone A"

That is what I would naturally do but it actually causes convergence
problems: if you use T_A to define parameters of air supplied to zone B by
the ventilation type, you will use an output of type 56 as an input to type
56. Air supplied in zone B will change temperature in zone B and it will
affect temperature in zone A (since zone A and B have an adjacent wall).
Then the temperature of air supplied in zone B will change and it will
change temperature in zone B and… temperature in zone A (and so on…).

If you still want to do that, you need to use type 93 (input value recall)
to supply air with temperature of zone A at timestep (t-1), in zone B at
timestep (t).

“But if you define air from A to B as coupling flow then TRNBuild assume
that the same amount of air leave zone B as coupling flow, not as exhaust

That is not true. If you define air from A to B as a coupling flow TRNBuild
doesn’t assume automatically that the same amount of air flows from B to A.
(See the note in section in Multizone Building Manual, page 145).
When you use coupling flows you have to perform air balance by yourself
which means that if you define a coupling from A to B, you will overload
zone B.

*How do you define exhaust air in zone B to balance the coupling flow from
zone A?* I don’t know :). Maybe someone else can tell us more about this…
I’m looking for this answer too!


On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Karol Bandurski <
karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl> wrote:

> Hi!****
> ** **
> Thanks for this quotation Damien but I don’t understand what is mean.****
> It is mean that if I introduce some supply air (ventilation manager) in
> zone then TRNBuild assume that there is also exhaust air?  ****
> ** **
> Let us assume the situation:****
> I have ventilator in zone A but there is no ventilator in zone B. Between
> zone A and B is wall with door. I calculated that air supply to zone A
> flows to zone B.****
> ** **
> This quotation say to me (in above situation):****
> you should define ventilation for zone A (supply air) then TRNBuild
> assumes the same amount of exhaust air for this zone but without any
> destination. Then you define ventilation for zone B and parameters of air
> will be taken from zone A, TRNBuild again assume the same amount of exhaust
> air, without any destination. But if you define air from A to B as coupling
> flow then TRNBuild assume that the same amount of air leave zone B as
> coupling flow, not as exhaust air.****
> ** **
> ***1)      **** It is true???*
> If YES: ****
> ***2)      ****What does TRNBuild assume for infiltration? If during
> infiltration air is supplied to zone then how it is ejected form there?  *
> ***3)      ****If coupling flow is assumed then air “leave” part of its
> heat in wall? (because wall has some heat capacity)*
> ** **
> Thanks again Damien for you tip, but****
> *I am asking for more explanation!*
> ** **
> Regards****
> Karol****
> ** **
> *From:* Damien Gondre [mailto:damien.gondre at insa-lyon.fr]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 17, 2011 2:26 PM
> *To:* Karol Bandurski
> *Cc:* trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [TRNSYS-users] energy bilans for Type 56****
> ** **
> ** **
> Hi Karol,****
> ** **
> I have never used energy balances for zones so I don't know what Qvent,
> Qtrans or Qsolgain represent, but have you looked in the multizone building
> manual, section, page 156 : "Equal amounts of air are assumed to
> leave the airnode at the airnode temperature".****
> ** **
> I don't know if it helps or not, but I think it might change your vision
> of how the energy balance is defined.****
> ** **
> Regards,****
> ** **
> Damien.****
> ** **
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Karol Bandurski <
> karol.bandurski at put.poznan.pl> wrote:****
> Hi,****
>  ****
> I has modeled two version of one family house: ****
> a. with mechanical ventilation****
> b. with natural ventilation + exhaust fans in dirty rooms (bathroom, WC,
> Kitchen) ****
>  ****
> Then I has define balance output Ntype 904 (Energy Balance for Zones) for
> one zone of this house.****
> The balance is seems to me false because in TRNBuild in Ventilation
> Manager I can define only supply air ventilation. So, QVENT represents only
> heat from supply air, heat connect with exhaust air is probably contained
> in QTRANS. QTRANS has influence on temperature of walls, so maybe QSOLGAIN
> is also not so accurate? ****
>  ****
> My question:****
> It is true? ****
> How can I change it?****
> Does TRNFlow change this imperfection? (I don’t have this soft, I has only
> Contam)****
>  ****
> Regards,****
>  ****
> Karol****
> ------------------------------------------------****
> Karol Bandurski MSc.****
> Institute of Environmental Engineering <http://www.ee.put.poznan.pl/>****
> Poznan University of Technology****
> www.ee.put.poznan.pl****
> www.put.poznan.pl****
>  ****
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> TRNSYS-users mailing list
> TRNSYS-users at cae.wisc.edu
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> ** **
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