[TRNSYS-users] how to creat the basement and define the concreteposition of the heatings in the zone using TRNSYS3d

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Wed Jun 1 08:16:07 PDT 2011

Dear Wang,I would recommend that you create the walls as you would for any other zone, but instead of these basement walls being exterior walls and 'EXT_WALL' in the TRNSYS3D plugin, please make sure that you define those as a different wall such as 'BND_WALL' with the 'Outside boundary condition' as 'Ground' or 'Other side coefficients'.Note page 22 of the tutorial:Ground =Dear all,       Who has the relative experience as follows please give me some advices:       How to creat the basement using TRNSYS3d ? And how to define the concrete position of the heatings in the zone using TRNSYS3d?        Many thanks!       Br.      wang2011/5/27 >;trnsys-users-request at cae.wisc.edu;apantazaras at gmail.com
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