[TRNSYS-users] convergence problem

Adrien JEZEQUEL - ITF a.jezequel at itf.biz
Fri Dec 23 02:05:37 PST 2011

Dear Karol,

Maybe you can increase the number of time step in CONTAM, before 
creating your TRNSYS input file. (Simulation - Set Simulation Parameter 
- AirFlow Numerics Tab)
You may also use a differential controler (Type2) instead of using an 
equation like GT(T_1,24,) ton control your input.

best regards
www.itf.biz <http://www.itf.biz>
www.itf.biz <http://www.itf.biz>

Simulations Thermiques Dynamiques
	62, Rue du Bolliet
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Le 23/12/2011 08:45, Karol Bandurski a écrit :
> Hi
> I have modeled natural ventilated house using Contam and type 56.
> One of inputs of type 97 (CONATM) is  'Adjustable opening: 
> ZoneA/<1>->ambt/ <path16>'.
> I control this value depending on the ZoneA temperature:
> 'Adjustable opening: ZoneA/<1>->ambt/ <path16>'=1 for T_ZoneA>24 C
> using Equation (gt(T_A,24)).
> But I get error that maximum number of warnings: /'The inputs to the 
> listed units have not converged at this timestep. The values at the 
> last iteration will be used and the simulation will proceed'/ allowed 
> per simulation has been exceeded.
> I have tried to use type93 between type 97 and Equation with 1 or 100 
> timestep stored, but error still appear.
> Parameters of simulation (I wouldn't like to change it, especially 
> timestep):
> Timestep=0.1 h
> Tolerance convergence=0.001
> Before 'WARNNING': 30
> Before 'ERROR': 30
> Could you help me?
> Christmas Regards!
> ------------------------------------------------
> Karol Bandurski MSc.
> Institute of Environmental Engineering <http://www.ee.put.poznan.pl/>
> Poznan University of Technology
> www.ee.put.poznan.pl <http://www.ee.put.poznan.pl/>
> www.put.poznan.pl <http://www.put.poznan.pl/>
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