[TRNSYS-users] Values energy gain (Heat)

Oswaldo Hidalgo Barrientos ohidalgob at correo.udistrital.edu.co
Tue Aug 9 19:24:23 PDT 2011

Dear all

I am simulating a couple of Type weather Type109-TMY2 (CO-Bogota El dorado)
and a Type74 (CPC Collector)...the values of "useful energy gain" of CPC
Collector in one day standard of simulation are between 9am:1248kJ/hr
(2738HP), 3pm:656.4kJ/hr(1674HP) with max at 1:30pm:2184kJ/hr(4422HP).
My problem is the next: I have operating a real parabolic solar collector
and it give me a "useful energy gain" average value of 1HP or 740W, as your
can look, the different between real practic values and the trnsys values is
so much. I think that can be because  the units simulation are in hours,
example: kJ/hr,. but really I dont understand this condition.
If in the simulation studio I add a new equation where it divides useful
enegy gain in 3600seconds, the new values are 9am:0.76HP, 3pm:0.465,
1:30pm:1,23HP this values are so similar at reality.
My question is, how could I do to that the values of simulation be as
reality values without use the equation on the simulation studio? or what is
the correct way to simulated this couple?

best regards

Oswaldo Hidalgo.
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