Dear all<div><br></div><div><div>I am simulating a couple of Type weather Type109-TMY2 (CO-Bogota El dorado) and a Type74 (CPC Collector)...the values of "useful energy gain" of CPC Collector in one day standard of simulation are between 9am:1248kJ/hr (2738HP), 3pm:656.4kJ/hr(1674HP) with max at 1:30pm:2184kJ/hr(4422HP). </div>
<div>My problem is the next: I have operating a real parabolic solar collector and it give me a "useful energy gain" average value of 1HP or 740W, as your can look, the different between real practic values and the trnsys values is so much. I think that can be because the units simulation are in hours, example: kJ/hr,. but really I dont understand this condition.</div>
</div><div>If in the simulation studio I add a new equation where it divides useful enegy gain in 3600seconds, the new values are 9am:0.76HP, 3pm:0.465, 1:30pm:1,23HP this values are so similar at reality.</div><div>My question is, how could I do to that the values of simulation be as reality values without use the equation on the simulation studio? or what is the correct way to simulated this couple?</div>
<div><br></div><div>best regards</div><div><br></div><div>Oswaldo Hidalgo.</div>