[TRNSYS-users] Coupling error: MATLAB R2009b with TRNSYS 17.00.0016

Mierlo, B.P. van b.p.v.mierlo at student.tue.nl
Tue Apr 5 03:03:14 PDT 2011


I have a question about the coupling of MATLAB R2009b (32-bit) with TRNSYS 17.

I tried testing the link between the two with the "Calling Matlab" example found in the folder "Trnsys17\Examples\Calling_Matlab".

According to the instructions I must ensure that the MATLAB folder in the Windows Search Path is, I did this through Configuration Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Environment Variables adding the text "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009b\bin\win32 " to System Variable "Path".
Next, I ensured that I use for the specific Type155.dll MATLAB version. I did this through extracting the DLL in the zip file "Trnsys17\EXE\DLLs\Type155 (forMatlab2009b)-CVF.zip"  to "Trnsys17\Exe" and the overwriting the old Type155.dll (for MATLAB R2006). According to the description this would be sufficient.

To be sure I also copied the files libeng.lib, libmat.lib, and libmex.lib libmx.lib from "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009b\external\lib\win32\microsoft" to "C:\Trnsys17\SourceCode\Optional".

However, I continue to the error "One error was found in the deck. Check the listing file for more information!" get. When I look in the log, I find a fatal error with description "Your input file uses Type 155 (Calling Matlab). "Type155.dll" was found but could not be loaded. Please make sure that a supported version of Matlab is installed and that Matlab's "bin\win32" folder is on Windows' search path".

Now I searched the internet for a solution, and I came across something about recompiling TRNSYS with the Compaq Visual Fortran Compiler:
This explanation, however, is based on TRNSYS 15 and I am not sure if it's needed for TRNSYS 17.

Could someone tell me the proper way to link MATLAB & TRNSYS for the versions mentioned in the subject?

Thanks in advance,

Peter van Mierlo, BSc

Eindhoven University of Technology

The Netherlands

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