[TRNSYS-users] Electric lamps

David BRADLEY d.bradley at tess-inc.com
Mon Nov 8 11:51:02 PST 2010

The most flexible way of including lighting in Type56 is to define a new 
GAIN in your zone. The gain can be set as a constant value, a scheduled 
value, or as an input. If you set it as an input then you can pass 
whatever value you like into the building. The heat gain from the 
lighting might come from an equation. The complexity will come from the 
controls. The controls may be other equations or another component. The 
TESS Green Building library contains a number of lighting control Types 
that might be of some interest.

On 11/8/2010 13:06, Abdulhameed Mambo wrote:
> Dear Trnsys users,
> I have trynsys 17 installed. I read in a journal article that in trnsys there exist an electric ligthing (10 lamps, 0-1000 lux, 800W total), pls what type is that and how do I include it in a building model type 56. I am working on lighting controls in a multi-zone building.
> Regards.
> Mambo Abdulhameed Danjuma
> PhD Research Student,
> Building Energy Research Group,
> Department of Civil&  Building Engineering,
> Loughborough University,
> Loughborough, Leicestershire,
> LE11 3TU United Kingdom.
> Mobile: +447780144150
> http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/cv/staff/students/321.html
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Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC
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d.bradley at tess-inc.com


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