[TRNSYS-users] shades in openings by type67 and 68

rgaray at labein.es rgaray at labein.es
Fri Jul 16 05:55:41 PDT 2010

Dear Laia,

You could create the window not as an opening in the wall, but as an 
"aditional window" which is not linked to any wall.
This way you can assign a different orientation to each of them. Then you 
can link the shading device to the orientation referred to the shaded 
element while mantaining the unshaded orientation for the other surface.

Hope that helps.

Roberto Garay Martinez
Unidad de Construcción y Desarrollo del Territorio
c/Geldo. Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia
Edificio 700
48160 Derio (Bizkaia)
Tel.: 34 94 607 33 00
Fax: 34 94 607 33 49
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16/07/2010 12:58
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TRNSYS-users Digest, Vol 67, Issue 44

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Today's Topics:

   1. Type 43 external file format and active layer activation (Chris)
   2. shades in openings by type67 and 68 (Laia Cases - iMat)

----- Mensaje de Chris <clashmar at shaw.ca> en Thu, 15 Jul 2010 21:05:03 
-0600 -----
trnsys-users at engr.wisc.edu
[TRNSYS-users] Type 43 external file format and active layer activation

I have two questions:

1) I am trying find the input file format required for the Type 43a 
(Part Load Performance).  I can't find any documentation that describes 
this nor have I found an example.  Can someone point me in the right 

2) I want to create an active layer type but the "Active Layer" radio 
button in the Layer Type Manager is greyed out.  How do I make this 

Thank you in advance,
Chris Lashmar

----- Mensaje de Laia Cases - iMat <lcases at imat.cat> en Fri, 16 Jul 2010 
12:58:23 +0200 -----
trnsys-users at cae.wisc.edu
[TRNSYS-users] shades in openings by type67 and 68
Hi trnsys users,

how do I manage if in the same facade there are one window(window1) with 
shade by overhang and by shading mash, and another window(window2) without 
overhang and with same shading mask as windiow1? as i understand, there is 
a problem if one use 2 type67 or 2 type68. By the other hand, if I use 
type68 with type34 for window1 and type 67 for window2, I get less demand 
of heating for window1 than for window 2, that is not congruent. 
I hope it is understanding, any suggestion?

thanks in advance



Laia Cases
Unitat de Condicionament Tèrmic
iMat - Centre Tecnològic de la Construcció
lcases at imat.cat

Wellington 23  ·   E-08018 Barcelona
T +34 93 553 97 95
F +34 93 553 97 96
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