[TRNSYS-users] Error: pane temperature calculation is diverging

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Fri Apr 23 12:58:14 PDT 2010

You might try taking your window data and putting it into the 
"restaurant" example in place of the existing window there. That will 
tell you if there is a problem with the window data or if something in 
the zone is causing the problem. You might also turn off any automatic 
heat transfer coefficient calculations on the inside surface of the 
window. Also make sure that you do not accidentally have a zero value 
for the convection coefficient on the outside of the window; I've made 
this mistake in the past by telling TRNBuild that I wanted the outside 
surface convection coefficient to be an input and then forgetting to 
connect that input to some realistic value.
Kind regards,

Nikolai Artmann wrote:
> Hello
> I’m getting the following error message:
> Message : Zone 2 surface 4 pane temperature calculation is diverging 
> at time 0.25000TDIF: NaN ITPANE: 31 ITCALC: 51
> *.lst-file in attachment.
> Zone 2 surface 4 is a window (ID number 13112). I used the same window 
> also in zone 1 without any problems. Only since I copied the zone and 
> changed some parameters I get this message. If I delete the window 
> from zone 2, I get the same message for the window in zone 1. If I 
> delete the zone 2 completely the simulation runs without a problem.
> Any Ideas?
> Thanks, Nikolai
> **Nikolai Artmann**
> 3-Plan Haustechnik AG, Winterthur
> Telefon 052 / 234 70 66
> Telefax 052 / 234 70 60
> e-Mail: nikolai.artmann at 3-plan.ch <mailto:nikolai.artmann at 3-plan.ch>
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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
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