[TRNSYS-users] Cooperation between a roof cooling technique and the building

Artemi Spanaki spanakiart at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 10 05:02:34 PST 2009

Dear Trnsys users
I created a new component in Fortran that is adjusted to the roof of the building for passive cooling. The component is consisted of a layer of a wet gunny bag, a layer of water and a layer of concrete (conventional roof).
In order to achieve cooperation between the building and the new component I created a massless layer TRN Build software defined as boundary that takes as a boundary temperature the roof temperature (=output from the new component). This massless layer represents the absence of roof, since the “concrete roof” is included to the new component. Additionally the new component takes as an input the indoor air temperature from type 56a. 
I wonder whether the way of making the cooperation of the new component and the building, gives accurate results. Your opinion will be very helpful to me. 
Is there any way to check somehow the validity of my results?
Yours faithfully
Artemi Spanaki 		 	   		  
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