[TRNSYS-users] IAM (incidence angle modifier) using TESS Type538
giulio betti
giulio.betti at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 08:38:05 PST 2009
Ok, here they are.
The transversal IAM are provided for 0° (=1), 20° (=1.02), 40° (=1.03), 60°
(=0.89), 90° (=0), whiIe the longitudinal IAM are provided for 0° (=1), 50°
(=0.92), 90° (=0).
I have to add another information: I tried to use the same file .dat with
Type71, setting 3 in parameter 10 [Number of longitudinal angles for which
IAMs are provided] and 5 in parameter 11 [Number of transverse angles for
which IAMs are provided] and it works. So, for this collector it seems the
documentation is right, while with Type538 there is the problem I described
in the other email.
Maybe the simpliest explanation is that in Type538 parameter 11 should be
named "Number of longitudinal angle" and parameter 12 "Number of transverse
angle"...or maybe I'm making some mistake...
Thank you very much,
2009/1/6 David Bradley <bradley at tess-inc.com>
> Giulio,
> Could you please send me your project (*.tpf file) and your IAM file? I
> will try to find the cause of the error and then make sure that there is not
> a mistake in the documentation!
> Kind regards,
> David
> giulio betti wrote:
> dear all,
> I'm using Type538 (TESS Solar Library, Evacueted tube collectors) at
> university. I have a problem with IAM: I read the posts about it on this
> mailing list and the chapter of the Trnsys16 manual, so I think
> I've understood how to use it. I made the external data file needed by
> subroutine DYNAMICDATA as explained in the manual:
> <Transversal angle 1> <Transversal angle 2> etc. Nt values [0;90]
> <Longitudinal angle 1> <Longitudinal angle 1> etc. Nl values [0;90]
> <IAM 1 1> IAM for transv. angle 1, long. angle 1
> <IAM 1 2> IAM for transv. Angle 1, long. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 1 Nl> IAM for transv. angle 1, long. angle Nl
> <IAM 2 1> IAM for transv. angle 2, long. angle 1
> <IAM 2 2> IAM for transv. angle 2, long. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 2 Nl> IAM for transv. angle 2, long. angle Nl
> <IAM 3 1> IAM for transv. angle 3, long. angle 1
> ...
> <IAM Nt Nl> IAM for transv. angle Nt, long. angle Nl
> Having 5 transversal angles [0°, 20°, 50°, 70°, 90°] and 3 longitudinal
> angles [0°, 50°, 90°] my file .dat is something like this (I don't write all
> 15 values of the column):
> 0 20 50 70 90
> 0 50 90
> 1
> 0.95
> 0
> .
> .
> .
> 0
> In Type538 I set parameter 11 (Number of transverse angles) to 5 and
> parameter 12 (Number of longitudinal angles) to 3. Now, I tried to run the
> simulation: Trnsys didn't work: it said that there was an error without
> specifing details:
> Fatal Error at time : 3245.010000
> Generated by Unit : 3
> Generated by Type : 538
> TRNSYS Message 109 : Error reading data stored in logical unit.
> NOTE: the reported logical unit number may be automatically or internally
> ASSIGNed, or you may have specified the incorrect number of independent
> variables.
> Reported information : Logical Unit number 33
> So I tried to change parameter 11 and parameter 12: I set parameter 11 to 3
> and parameter 12 to 5 (I simply reversed the number of transversal angles
> with the number of longitudinal angles). In this way the simulation ran!
> So the question is this: the file .dat has to be written as described in
> the manual, and there is only an inversion in the definitions of "parameter
> 11" and "parameter 12", so that the only change to do is the one described
> above?
> Or the definitions of "parameter 11" and "parameter 12" are right and there
> is to change the file .dat putting in the first line the longitudinal angles
> and in the second line the transversal angles? In this case, the column with
> all the possible multiplications is to be left as it is described in the
> manual, or I have to modify it in this way:
> <IAM 1 1> IAM for long. angle 1, transv. angle 1
> <IAM 1 2> IAM for long. Angle 1, transv. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 1 Nl> IAM for long. angle 1, transv. angle Nl
> <IAM 2 1> IAM for long. angle 2, transv. angle 1
> <IAM 2 2> IAM for long. angle 2, transv. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 2 Nl> IAM for long. angle 2, transv. angle Nl
> <IAM 3 1> IAM for long. angle 3, transv. angle 1
> ...
> <IAM Nt Nl> IAM for long. angle Nt, transv. angle Nl
> ?
> I hope I've been clear enough, thank you all,
> regards,
> Giulio Betti
> ------------------------------
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> ***********************************************************************
> Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC
> David BRADLEY 22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370
> Partner Madison, WI 53703
> P: +1.608.274.2577
> F: +1.608.278.1475
> E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com
> Web Pages: http://www.tess-inc.com and http://www.trnsys.com
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0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 90.00
0.00 50.00 90.00
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