[TRNSYS-users] IAM (incidence angle modifier) using TESS Type538

David Bradley bradley at tess-inc.com
Tue Jan 6 07:24:24 PST 2009

 Could you please send me your project (*.tpf file) and your IAM file? I 
will try to find the cause of the error and then make sure that there is 
not a mistake in the documentation!
Kind regards,

giulio betti wrote:
> dear all,
> I'm using Type538 (TESS Solar Library, Evacueted tube collectors) at 
> university. I have a problem with IAM: I read the posts about it on 
> this mailing list and the chapter of the Trnsys16 manual, so 
> I think I've understood how to use it. I made the external data file 
> needed by subroutine DYNAMICDATA as explained in the manual:
> <Transversal angle 1> <Transversal angle 2> etc. Nt values [0;90]
> <Longitudinal angle 1> <Longitudinal angle 1> etc. Nl values [0;90]
> <IAM 1 1> IAM for transv. angle 1, long. angle 1
> <IAM 1 2> IAM for transv. Angle 1, long. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 1 Nl> IAM for transv. angle 1, long. angle Nl
> <IAM 2 1> IAM for transv. angle 2, long. angle 1
> <IAM 2 2> IAM for transv. angle 2, long. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 2 Nl> IAM for transv. angle 2, long. angle Nl
> <IAM 3 1> IAM for transv. angle 3, long. angle 1
> ...
> <IAM Nt Nl> IAM for transv. angle Nt, long. angle Nl
> Having 5 transversal angles [0°, 20°, 50°, 70°, 90°] and 3 
> longitudinal angles [0°, 50°, 90°] my file .dat is something like this 
> (I don't write all 15 values of the column):
> 0 20 50 70 90
> 0 50 90
> 1
> 0.95
> 0
> .
> .
> .
> 0
> In Type538 I set parameter 11 (Number of transverse angles) to 5 and 
> parameter 12 (Number of longitudinal angles) to 3. Now, I tried to run 
> the simulation: Trnsys didn't work: it said that there was an error 
> without specifing details:
> Fatal Error at time   :      3245.010000
>     Generated by Unit     :     3
>     Generated by Type     :   538
>     TRNSYS Message    109 : Error reading data stored in logical unit. 
> NOTE: the reported logical unit number may be automatically or 
> internally ASSIGNed, or you may have specified the incorrect number of 
> independent variables.
>     Reported information  : Logical Unit number 33
> So I tried to change parameter 11 and parameter 12: I set parameter 11 
> to 3 and parameter 12 to 5 (I simply reversed the number of 
> transversal angles with the number of longitudinal angles). In this 
> way the simulation ran!
> So the question is this: the file .dat has to be written as described 
> in the manual, and there is only an inversion in the definitions of 
> "parameter 11" and "parameter 12", so that the only change to do is 
> the one described above?
> Or the definitions of "parameter 11" and "parameter 12" are right and 
> there is to change the file .dat putting in the first line the 
> longitudinal angles and in the second line the transversal angles? In 
> this case, the column with all the possible multiplications is to be 
> left as it is described in the manual, or I have to modify it in this way:
> <IAM 1 1> IAM for long. angle 1, transv. angle 1
> <IAM 1 2> IAM for long. Angle 1, transv. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 1 Nl> IAM for long. angle 1, transv. angle Nl
> <IAM 2 1> IAM for long. angle 2, transv. angle 1
> <IAM 2 2> IAM for long. angle 2, transv. angle 2
> ...
> <IAM 2 Nl> IAM for long. angle 2, transv. angle Nl
> <IAM 3 1> IAM for long. angle 3, transv. angle 1
> ...
> <IAM Nt Nl> IAM for long. angle Nt, transv. angle Nl
> ? 
> I hope I've been clear enough, thank you all,
> regards,
> Giulio Betti
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Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS), LLC 
David BRADLEY                      22 N. Carroll Street - Suite 370 
Partner                            Madison, WI 53703 
P: +1.608.274.2577 
F: +1.608.278.1475
E-mail: bradley at tess-inc.com 
Web Pages:  http://www.tess-inc.com    and      http://www.trnsys.com


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