[TRNSYS-users] Type 56 with external cooling equipment

Matt Duffy duffy at tess-inc.com
Fri Oct 17 07:27:12 PDT 2008

Dear Nguan Teck,

I posted a tutorial that takes the Restaurant example
(.\Examples\Restaurant\Restaurant.tpf) from Energy Rate Control to
Temperature Level Control. This might be very useful for your application
as you connect mechanical conditioning equipment in the TRNSYS Simulation
Studio.  It is available at the following website.

Best regards,

Matt Duffy

----- Original Message -----
From: z050128 at ntu.edu.sg
Sent: Fri, October 17, 2008 4:30
Subject:[TRNSYS-users] Type 56 with external cooling equipment


I am currently working on my undergraduate report on radiant panel
cooling, with TRNSYS as my main simulation software.

I have modeled a simple multi-zone building using Simulation Studio,
with Singapore weather (TMY2) data as the weather input. I was able to
run the simulation to obtain the temperature profile of the zone. I was
wondering what are the appropriate steps to determine the cooling load
for my zone. The last time I checked, my simulation provided zero values
for both the QSENS and QLATD.

Also, I aim to connect my building model to an external cooling
equipment. I have created the three inputs suggested by the TRNSYS
to model a simple constant air  volume  system, consisting of these
components (Type 667b Air-Air Heat Recovery, Type 754h Heating Coil,
Type 752h Cooling Coil, Type 642-2 Fan) but simulation returned exactly
the same profile as before the equipment is added. What could be wrong
or missing in my configuration? In addition, I realized that Type 56 has
no air flow as output, so how do I link the model to Type667b (i.e.
exhaust air from zone to Type 667b)?

As I am new to the software, any help is greatly appreciated!

Nguan Teck

Final Year Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering

Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

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