[TRNSYS-users] Type 655 air cooled chiller, Type 508 cooling coil and air conditioning devices

knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no knut.erik.enerstvedt at niva.no
Mon Jun 23 01:58:52 PDT 2008


While working with TESS Type 655 Air Cooled Chiller in my simulation
project, I discovered that parts of the documentation and the comments in
the example data file are misleading. I got the impression that capacity
ratio should come first on each line in the performance data file and COP
ratio second, but the model actually reads COP ratio first. I just thought
that I should make you aware of this, as it confused me a while.

And then I have a question. In my project, I am trying to compare
efficiency and power consumption for cooling based on an air cooled chiller
and an air-source split system air conditioning device. I use the Type 655
chiller, pumps, a fan and Type 508 cooling coil to model a fancoil system
which cools the zone with the chilled water as source. The system is
controlled based on the operating temperature of the zone. To compare this
to a similar split system, I take the "air side heat transfer" output (the
rate at which energy is removed from the air stream) from Type 508 as load
input to a split system model (I use Type 42 conditioning equipment to read
COP under varying conditions and then calculate power consumption from this
and the load). My assumption is that the "air side heat transfer" output
from Type 508 is the energy removal rate which is required to cool the
zone, and therefore can act as a load to simulate an air conditioning
system which operates under the exact same conditions. I wonder if you can
verify that this approach is correct, or am I wrong about this?

Thaks for your time.

Kind regards,
Knut Erik

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