[TRNSYS-users] FW: TYPE 50 and SOLCEL data file

Ali Al-Alili aalalili at umd.edu
Thu Jul 31 08:48:59 PDT 2008

Dear TRNSYS-user,
     In the SOLCEL data file, the short current for low concentration and
temperature is higher than the one for high concentration and low
temperature. Isn't suppose to be the other way around, since the current
increases with radiation? The value for the low and high concentration at
high temperature is also the same !(Ref:
	I edited the proforma to allow the concentration ratio to be grater
than 1. I also edited the SOLCELL file and increased the number of cells.
Here are the results

C = 25						
Num	Tout	Tcell	V	I	Q[kWth]	P[kWe]
10	40	52	4.9	19	0.54		0.093
50	40	52	24.5	3.8	0.54		0.093
100	40	52	49	1.9	0.54		0.093

The voltage is increasing as you would expect, but why is the current
decreasing? It seems like the current is adjusted to keep the power output
the same.What I'm trying to do is to fix the size of the collector to
provide 2kwe and 2 kwth.


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