[TRNSYS-users] Ventilated vacade

Davide Cali davide.cali at ise.fraunhofer.de
Thu Apr 24 06:43:07 PDT 2008


I´m Davide Calí and I´m writing my master-thesis in Fraunhofer ISE, 

I wrote you some time ago about a possible tool to simulate PCM (phase 
change materials) effect, but no solution was found.

Now I´m looking for a tool in TRNSYS to simulate a ventilated facade. In 
external walls, the last layer is 2cm wood, and the semi last layer is AIR.

The air can go through the facade and getting in and out of it.

If you have any solution, please contact me.

Davide Calí
Fraunhofer ISE

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