[TRNSYS-users] TMY2...comparative of two city

juan.jesus at faimevi.eu juan.jesus at faimevi.eu
Mon Apr 2 13:17:16 PDT 2007

Hello dear users,

I want only compare two weather data Coruña vs Valencia. I want know  
the difference of the ambient temperatures, humidity and another  
variables  of these spanish´s city .

Can TRNSYS16  make it ????

Send you the proyect how I created to this comparative.

Help me please.
-------------- next part --------------
            Simulation start time  ??This value is used in the SIMULATION statement to fix the value for the hour of the year at which the simulation is to begin. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details.

Month	Day	hour	hour
JAN	1	0	744
FEB	32	744	1416
MAR	60	1416	2160
APR	91	2160	2880
MAY	121	2880	3624
JUN	152	3624	4344
JUL	182	4344	5088
AUG	213	5088	5832
SEP	244	5832	6552
OCT	274	6552	7296
NOV	305	7296	8016
DEC	335	8016	8760
 real -Inf+Inf00hrTime[;]          hr      Simulation stop time  ??This value is used in the SIMULATION statement to fix the value for the hour of the year at which the simulation is to end. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details.

Month	Day	hour	hour
JAN	1	0	744
FEB	32	744	1416
MAR	60	1416	2160
APR	91	2160	2880
MAY	121	2880	3624
JUN	152	3624	4344
JUL	182	4344	5088
AUG	213	5088	5832
SEP	244	5832	6552
OCT	274	6552	7296
NOV	305	7296	8016
DEC	335	8016	8760
 real -Inf+Inf168168hrTime[;]          hr      Simulation time step  ?This value is used in the SIMULATION statement to fix the value for the timestep to be used. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real -Inf+Inf11hrTime[;]          hr      Solution method  ??This value is used in the SOLVER statement to determine which of the two build-in numerical solvers TRNSYS should use. 

0 = successive method (old solver). 
      Must be used for buildings and 
      systems with a thermal capacity 

1 = Powels method (new solver) 
      suitable for systems with many 
      non-linear equations (low capacity) 
      like PV-systems 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for detailed description of both methods. boolean Successive substitutionPowell's methodSuccessive substitutionSuccessive substitution--[;]          -      
The minimum relaxation factor  
The minimum relaxation factor real 0.01111--[;]          -      
The maximum relaxation factor  
The maximum relaxation factor real 1.001011--[;]          -      Equation solver  Equation solver integer 0200--[;]          -      Equation trace  Pif this value is "True" (On), Trace messages will be generated in the deck file. boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      
Debug mode  TIf this value is "True" (On), Debug commands will be added to the TRNSYS input file. boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      Tolerance integration  ?This value is used in the TOLERANCES statement to specify the error tolerance controlling the integration error to be used during a simulation. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real 0+Inf0.0010.001
dimensionless      Tolerance convergence  ?This value is used in the TOLERANCES statement to specify the error tolerance controlling the convergence of input and output variables to be used during a simulation. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. real 0+Inf0.0010.001
dimensionless      Tolerance values  ?This flag specifies if tolerances are specified as relative or absolute values. Using absolute values is only recommended in rare special cases. boolean 	Relatives	Absolutes	Relatives	Relatives--[;]          -      Before 'WARNING'  ?RThis value is used in the LIMITS statement to set limit on the number of iterations that will be performed by TRNSYS during a time step before it is determined that the differential equations and/or algebraic equations are not converging and a WARNING message is printed out. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf3030--[;]          -      Before 'ERROR'  ?This value is used in the LIMITS statement to set limit on the number of warnings before the simulation is terminated and an ERROR message is printed.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf3030--[;]          -      Before 'TRACE'  ?This value is used in the LIMITS statement to set the limit on the number of iterations during a time step before non-converging components are traced.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf3030--[;]          -      Diff. equation algorithm  ?4This value is used in the DFQ statement to select one of three algorithms built into TRNSYS to numerically solve differential equations: 
    1 = Modified-Euler method
    2 = Non-self-starting Heun's method 
    3 = Fourth-order Adams method 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer -Inf+Inf11--[;]          -      Number of characters  ?This value is used in the WIDTH statement to set the number of characters to be allowed on a line of TRNSYS output.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. integer 1+Inf8080
dimensionless      	List card  ?%This value will add a LIST/NOLIST statement to turn on/off the listing of the TRNSYS input file. 

It is recommended that LIST be used because the detection where an error / warning occurs in the TRNSYS input file is much easier.

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. boolean LISTNOLISTLISTLIST--[;]          -      Map card  ?This value is used to obtain a component output map listing which may be useful in debugging component interconnections. 

See chapter 2 of the TRNSYS manual (Volume I) for details. boolean MAPNo MAPNo MAPNo MAP--[;]          -      Deck file name  ?This is the name of the file IISiBat uses to generate the TRNSYS input file. When a simulation is started, this file will be passed to TRNSYS for processing. 

Relative and absolute pathnames may be used. string -Inf+Inf ***.dck--[;]          -      Simulation card    string     --[;]         -      Write Trnsed commands  ??If this value is "True" (On), TRNSED commands will be added to the TRNSYS input file. This allows the TRNSED application to directly read the file generated by IISiBat. 

Switching this option "On" will force IISiBat to declare many additional constants in the TRNSYS input file. To avoid exceeding the number of allowed constants, you should either not use this option with big projects or "lock" variables ("locked" variables are excluded from this mechanism and do not appear in TRNSED). boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      
Write Studio commands to deck  ?;If this value is "True" (On), Simulation Studio Meta-Commands will be added to the TRNSYS input file. These commands are treated by TRNSYS like comments, i.e. they will not have any influence on the simulation. However, they allow Trnsys Studio to better reconstruct a simulation project from a TRNSYS input file, using the File/Import function. This is useful for re-importing a modified TRNSYS Input file. 

If Meta-commands are not present in the import file, Trnsys Studio uses the ModelConfFile.conf file in the EXE directory to map UNIT declarations to PROFORMAs. boolean TrueFalseTrueTrue--[;]          -      Automatically launch plugin  ?If this option is selected, then if an executable file is defined in the comment for a model or in the outputs for an equation,
then the executable is launched.
Else, the classical dialog is opened. boolean TrueFalseFalseFalse--[;]          -      Deck comment style  ?If mode = 1, generate deck comments on one line, starting with "*".
If mode = 2, generate deck comments on the same line, starting with "!".
if mode = 3, don't generate deck comments. integer 1322--[;]          -??   trnDictionnary       
CONTROL CARD??  trnModelInstance   ????          ??   trnPort                                                  ??  CODBoolProperty   |      ??  CODStringProperty   ^  Port	?   T  Port??  CODEditProperties   (                                               ?                                                   
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?   (                                          
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   + - . / 0 2 4 6  7 8 9       
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    ?  ??          ??  B       # $  % & '            >?    Dummy      
First Macronull?    he solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian andthe projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontalplane.0  = Facing equater90 = Facing west180 = Facing north270 = Facing eastRefer to the abstract for deatils on the azimut     his parameter sets the Fortran Logical Unit (File reference number) of the output file. It is used internally by TRNSYS to refer to the file. This parameter will automatically be assigned to a unique value by the TRNSYS Studio                              he solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian andthe projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontalplane.0  = Facing equater90 = Facing west180 = Facing north270 = Facing eastRefer to the abstract for deatils on the azimut   @?       F         d         ??   trnVariableSetElement    ??  trnVariableInstance      Ground reflectance SN?The reflectance of the ground above which the surface is located.Typical values are 0.2 for ground not covered by snow and 0.7 forground covered by snow.simplereal+
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?       {C:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Studio\Proformas\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????d??q?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Z?W?[??&??5????}e?~f?t[?lU?iU?iW?td??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e?a?????????????????U?m"?a*?c=?a<?`>?_@?O-?D'yN;?u???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????`??*??%??S???????????B?e)?Y4?]<?\>?V5?Z:?^@?eK?fK?S4?=!yYJ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????W??????J????????w#?L
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?   u   ?   ?    ?  ??          ??  $B       # $  % & '            >?    Weather - Data Files      
Type109-TMY2K.\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.tmf?    he reflectance of the ground above which the surface is located.Typical values are 0.2 for ground not covered by snow and 0.7 forground covered by snow.                                                                                                            n this mode, Type 109 reads a weather data file in the standard TMY2 format. The TMY2 format is used by the National Solar Radiation Data Base (USA) but TMY2 files can be generated from many programs, such as Meteonorm.                                     :\ rchivos de programa Trnsys16 Studio Proformas Weather Data Reading and Processing Standard Format TMY2 Type109-TMY2.tmf                                                                                                                                     F  ` @?      a        2         \?    ^?      Ambient temperature SNambient temperaturesimplereal+-Inf+Inf00C
Temperature[ ; ]    {    ?? 
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?       _W:\Trnsys16_0034\Studio\Proformas\Output\Online Plotter\Online plotter without file\Type65d.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????~??_mkCSg?OhAPrL[?gt?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????fm?ux????????????????qu?^cS]wQ^?gt????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????x|??????????????????????????????????V^vO]?u????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????rtvLY?u????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????é????????????????????????????????????yy????????rtwQ_????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ž????????????????????????????????????????????????????_g????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????gn?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ù???????????~~???????y??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????||?zz?xx?ww????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ss???????????????uu?ss?rr?pp?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????~~?????xx?nn?ll?kk?ii????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????nn?kk?gg?ee?bb?W[?y??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????qq?bb?UU?JN?iu???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????®X[?LXyVc?x?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ??????????????????????????????·bd?PZvR`?my????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ??????????????????????????????¸_boIX???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ????????????????????????????????cq??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ??????????????????????????my????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  ?  ?  ?  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????? ?  ? ???????????????????^e?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ???????????? ? ?????? ? ????????????????[e??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????? ? ???????????? ? ?????????????Ze??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????î????????????? ?  ? ??????????????? ? ?????????????\g???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????????cp????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ?????????v??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ko???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????mq??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ü??????????????????????????????????????ck????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ms?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                  (       (   (       (      S?

?  ?   ?  ?    ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   Type65d      ????????(   ????(   
      #??  ?     
   ?  ??          ??  ?A  PB
   - . / 0 2 4 6  7 8 9       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
?  ?     ?    ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   # $  % & '       
?   ?
   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
?  ?     ?    ?  ??          ??  $B       # $  % & '            ?    Type65d?.\Output\Online Plotter\Online plotter without file\Type65d.tmf F  @?      ?        2         \?    ? \?    @?      ? ^?      Nb. of right-axis variables SNWThe number of variables that will be plotted using the right axis for scaling purposes.simpleinteger+01020-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    @?      ?        2      
   \?    ^?      Nb. of left-axis variables SNXThe number of variables that will be plotted using the left Y-axis for scaling purposes.simpleinteger+01022-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ? \?    ^?      Left axis minimum SN&The minimum value for the left Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      Left axis maximum SN&The maximum value for the left Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf1000.030-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      Right axis minimum SN'The minimum value for the right Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf0.00-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      Right axis maximum SN'The maximum value for the right Y-axis.simplereal+-Inf+Inf1000.05-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      
Number of plots per simulation SN9Number of plots per simulation. Use -1 for monthly plots.simpleinteger+-1+Inf11-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      X-axis gridpoints SNFThe number of grid points that the X-axis (time) will be divided into.simpleinteger+1+Inf127-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      
Shut off Online w/o removing SN?This parameter can be used to shut off the ONLINE without removing from the assembly panel / input file, according to the following rules:
-1 : don't display online
>=0 : display onlinesimpleinteger+-1000-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      
Logical unit for output file SN?This parameter is not used in this mode since no ouptut file is created. Please use the "online plotter with file" if you want to simultaneously plot the data and print it to a file.simpleinteger+-1-1-1-1-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      Output file units SNGThis parameter is not used in this mode since no output file is createdsimpleinteger+0000-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    ^?      Output file delimiter SNGThis parameter is not used in this mode since no output file is createdsimpleinteger+0000-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -        
       -Nb. of right-axis variables     
          \?    ^?      Right axis variable SNYThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the right Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+InflabelINF_Kanyany[ ; ]    ?     any                 @?      ?        2              ????????? @?      ?        2              ????????   ??   trnSpecialCard    LABELS /Labels used by this online plotter (leave to 3)3 3?     *Left axis title (enclose in double quotes)"Temperatures" "Temperatures"?     +Right axis title (enclose in double quotes)"Heat transfer rates" "Heat transfer rates"?     2Plot title (tab name if several plotters are used)	"Graph 1" 	"Graph 1"    A        ? Nb. of left-axis variables     
         \?    ?    \?    ^?      Left axis variable-2SNXThe specified variable which is to be plotted using the left Y-axis for scaling purposessimplestring+-Inf+Inflabel
Tamb coru?aanyany[ ; ]    ?    ~?   ??       ????          ?                   ?   )         ?   &  ?   ,       n o  
 9       ? ?                  X           U  
  [         n    
?   (                                             k?? ?                 (             ?   )  ?   )        
              ?    a??
?   ?   ?  ,       ? ? ?  ? ? 
?   (                                      ??             ?   )  ?  )  ?  ?   ?  ?      ?
?   ?   ?  ,    
   ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? ? 9                ? ^?      Ambient temperature SNambient temperaturesimplereal+-Inf+Inf00C
Temperature[ ; ]    @?      ?   ????          ?                               ?   )  ?   )        
           ? ?                 (              ?     ?           
           ?                     (          ?   =  ?   =        
           ?                    (          ?   =  ?   =        
           ?                 (   (          ?   =  ?   =        
           ?                                ?     ?           
           ?                               ?     ?           
          ?   /  ?   5                     ?    i E?     ?   O   ?  ??          ??  5C ??C   P Q  	?   ^  Node2
?       {C:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Studio\Proformas\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.bmpBM?      6   (   (   (         ?                  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????d??q?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Z?W?[??&??5????}e?~f?t[?lU?iU?iW?td??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e?a?????????????????U?m"?a*?c=?a<?`>?_@?O-?D'yN;?u???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????`??*??%??S???????????B?e)?Y4?]<?\>?V5?Z:?^@?eK?fK?S4?=!yYJ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????W??????J????????w#?L
?P?=???C?K$?S0?^@?_@?AtK9?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????o????????[????j?<	?6?5 ?7 ?CE_?C?8?6?7?;
?;?8?= ?B ?E ?Lf&a?I?C?>?9?6?<
?L&?`N??'?rf??????????????????????????????????????????Y??ls?Zm~U?q=?X?R ?U ?ZkkEa?T?M?G???8?I?fH?Z@{E.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????y?U?H??W??{?\?m?c inxwt?f?[?U?L?C?Omf6?eE?C?~r????????????????????????????????????????????????????m?T??8??-??A?]????E?p3???4{?p?g?a?Z?QY[
?T$?[~?]??\?O?*??	???k?1~bpbeB^8d?^3????????????????????????????????????????????????O??=??U??x???K? ?)?_????P??????3?
??????^?'??=??C??W???V??????L??????????????????????????????yvs¹??????????????????????x?E?;??$??????%??E??9?? ?_?|??tg?a?l??k??P??????I?????????????????????????????????)('???????????????????????n?P????.???? ?????]??]??M?V?9??;??S??a??S??H??E??n????????????????????????§???544??~????>=}{y???????????????????????u??_??W?O?R?g?}????j??6????
??*??M??c????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????}??|??????????l??>?????? ??D??x??ß????????????????????????????????^]]???%%$???
????????????????????????????????????????????????}??U??4??-??E??g???????????????????????????????????????GGGuuu   ???   ??????????????????????????????????????????????????v??a??_??j???????????????????????????????????????????GGG555TSR~}{   ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????999???===   ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????WWW???   ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????___?????????___?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????}?????????????????????????????????????????Æh?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v??????????????????????????????????????yX??`???????????????????????????????????????????????????????{??J??B?|?????????????????????????????????????????yX??`?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[?????????????????????????????????????????????????Æh????????>>>??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????í?­?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                  (       (   (       (      
??	?     ?   =   ?  ??          ??           # $  % & '       (?   Type109-TMY2-2      ????????5   ????5   	   ????	      ?o?   >  ?   O   ?  ??          ??  ?A  DB
   + - . / 0 2 4 6  7 8 9       
?   ?   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ?      ????   ????   ? x?   ????   www?   ?      ??   ? ?   ?w??   ?? ?                     
      ??U&?   2  ?   =   ?  ??          ??  $B  ?A   # $  % & '       
?   ?   BMv       v   (   
         X                         ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ??? ???   ?  ?   ?? ?   ? ? ??  ???  ????    ??   ?? ?   ??? ?    ????    ???    ? ?     ? ?   ? ? ?   ?? ?   ????                     
?} ?     ?       ?  ??          ??  $B       # $  % & '            z    Type109-TMY2-2K.\Weather Data Reading and Processing\Standard Format\TMY2\Type109-TMY2.tmf?    he slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positivewhen tilted in the direction of the azimuth. 0 = Horizontal90 = Vertical facing toward azimuthRefer to the abstract for details on slope specification for trackingsurfaces.  incidence for an                    ??p t?p T?p H?p (       (       ??p ??p                         (q (       (           q pl?          (       (       (       (                   ?Gl                 Il ??p                     
           ??p ??p     ?(?                       ??p t?p T?p H?p               ??p ??p         iati            (q                   q ???                                                  ?Gl                 Il ??p                     
           ??p ??p    P?X?        F  @?      ?        2         \?    ^?      Ground reflectance SN?The reflectance of the ground above which the surface is located.Typical values are 0.2 for ground not covered by snow and 0.7 forground covered by snow.simplereal+
Dimensionless[ ; ]    ?     -\?    @?      ?    7How many surfaces are to be evaluated by This Type 109?            \?    ^?      Slope of surface SN?The slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positivewhen tilted in the direction of the azimuth. 0 = Horizontal90 = Vertical facing toward azimuthRefer to the abstract for details on slope specification for trackingsurfaces.simplereal+0+900.00.0degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees\?    ^?      Azimuth of surface SN?"The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian andthe projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontalplane.0  = Facing equater90 = Facing west180 = Facing north270 = Facing eastRefer to the abstract for deatils on the azimuth parameter for tracking surfaces.simplereal+-360+3600.00.0degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees                     ? @?      ?        2         \?    ^?      Data Reader Mode SN~The mode of the weather data reader 109 : The value 2 means that Type 109 will read a Standard weather file in the TMY2 formatsimpleinteger+2222-
Dimensionless[ ; ]        -\?    ^?      
Logical unit SN?This parameter sets the Fortran Logical Unit (File reference number) of the output file. It is used internally by TRNSYS to refer to the file. This parameter will automatically be assigned to a unique value by the TRNSYS Studiosimpleinteger+309993031-
Dimensionless[ ; ]       -\?    ^?      Sky model for diffuse radiation SN?This parameter selects the sky model used to calculate diffuse radiation on tilted surfaces.
1: Isotropic sky model
2: Hay and Davies model
3: Reindl model
4: Perez model
Note: The Perez model is usually considered to be the best available modelsimpleinteger+1444-
Dimensionless[ ; ]        -\?    ^?      
Tracking mode SN?,This parameter is used to indicate that the surfaces on which the tilted surface radiation is calculated are tracking the sun.
1: Fixed surface
2: Single axis tracking, vertical axis (fixed slope, variable azimuth)
3: Single-axis tracking, axis is in the plane of the surface
4: Two-axis trackingsimpleinteger+1411-
Dimensionless[ ; ]        -           @?      ?        2              ????????       ??  trnExternalFile     Weather data filePC:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\ES-La-Coruna-80010.tm2 OC:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\ES-Valencia-82850.tm2HC:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Weather\US-TMY2\US-TX-El-Paso-23044.tm2   Data Reader Mode     m               2         \?    ? \?    ^?      relative humidity SNambient relative humiditysimplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?     any\?    ^?      
wind velocity SN
wind speedsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00m/sVelocity[ ; ]    ?     m/s\?    ^?      wind direction SNwind direction N=0?, E=90?simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees\?    ^?      Atmospheric pressure SNAtmospheric pressuresimplereal+-Inf+Inf00PaPressure[ ; ]    ?     Pa\?    ^?      userdefined data 2 SN/Sixth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 5).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?     any\?    ^?      userdefined data 3 SN1Seventh value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 6).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?     any\?    ^?      userdefined data 4 SN.Eigth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 7)simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    ?     any\?    ^?      (extraterrestrial radiation on horizontal SN/Ninth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 8).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      solar zenith angle SN/Tenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 9).simplereal+-360+36000degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees\?    ^?      solar azimuth angle SN3Eleventh value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 10).simplereal+-360+36000degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees\?    ^?      
total radiation on horizontal SN2Twelfth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 11).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      
beam radiation on horitonzal SN5Thirteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 12).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      #sky diffuse radiation on horizontal SN5Fourteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 13).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      0ground reflected diffuse radiation on horizontal SN4Fifteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 14).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    ?     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      (angle of incidence on horizontal surface SN4Sixteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 15).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees\?    ^?      slope of horizontal surface SN6Seventeenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 16).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    ?     degrees\?    @?      ?    7How many surfaces are to be evaluated by This Type 109?            \?    ^?      !total radiation on tilted surface SN5Eighteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 = 18).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    2    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?       beam radiation on tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    2    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      'sky diffuse radiation on tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    2    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      4ground reflected diffuse radiation on tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    2    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      &angle of incidence for tilted surface  SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    2    degrees\?    ^?      slope of tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    2    degrees                        ? C?               any                any              C\?    ^?      relative humidity SNambient relative humiditysimplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    {     any\?    ^?      
wind velocity SN
wind speedsimplereal+-Inf+Inf00m/sVelocity[ ; ]    {     m/s\?    ^?      wind direction SNwind direction N=0?, E=90?simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    {     degrees\?    ^?      Atmospheric pressure SNAtmospheric pressuresimplereal+-Inf+Inf00PaPressure[ ; ]    {     Pa\?    ^?      userdefined data 2 SN/Sixth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 5).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    {     any\?    ^?      userdefined data 3 SN1Seventh value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 6).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    {     any\?    ^?      userdefined data 4 SN.Eigth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 7)simplereal+-Inf+Inf00anyany[ ; ]    {     any\?    ^?      (extraterrestrial radiation on horizontal SN/Ninth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 8).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    {     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      solar zenith angle SN/Tenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 9).simplereal+-360+36000degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    {     degrees\?    ^?      solar azimuth angle SN3Eleventh value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 10).simplereal+-360+36000degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    {     degrees\?    ^?      
total radiation on horizontal SN2Twelfth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 11).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    {     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      
beam radiation on horitonzal SN5Thirteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 12).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    {     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      #sky diffuse radiation on horizontal SN5Fourteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 13).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    {     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      0ground reflected diffuse radiation on horizontal SN4Fifteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 14).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    {     	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      (angle of incidence on horizontal surface SN4Sixteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 15).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    {     degrees\?    ^?      slope of horizontal surface SN6Seventeenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 > 16).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    {     degrees\?    @?      a    7How many surfaces are to be evaluated by This Type 109?            \?    ^?      !total radiation on tilted surface SN5Eighteenth value read from data file (if PAR 2 = 18).simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    `    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?       beam radiation on tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    `    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      'sky diffuse radiation on tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    `    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      4ground reflected diffuse radiation on tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00	kJ/hr.m^2Flux[ ; ]    `    	kJ/hr.m^2\?    ^?      &angle of incidence for tilted surface  SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    `    degrees\?    ^?      slope of tilted surface SN simplereal+-Inf+Inf00degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    `    degrees                     @?      a        2         \?    ^?      Data Reader Mode SN~The mode of the weather data reader 109 : The value 2 means that Type 109 will read a Standard weather file in the TMY2 formatsimpleinteger+2222-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    m    -\?    ^?      
Logical unit SN?This parameter sets the Fortran Logical Unit (File reference number) of the output file. It is used internally by TRNSYS to refer to the file. This parameter will automatically be assigned to a unique value by the TRNSYS Studiosimpleinteger+309993030-
Dimensionless[ ; ]   m    -\?    ^?      Sky model for diffuse radiation SN?This parameter selects the sky model used to calculate diffuse radiation on tilted surfaces.
1: Isotropic sky model
2: Hay and Davies model
3: Reindl model
4: Perez model
Note: The Perez model is usually considered to be the best available modelsimpleinteger+1444-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    m    -\?    ^?      
Tracking mode SN?,This parameter is used to indicate that the surfaces on which the tilted surface radiation is calculated are tracking the sun.
1: Fixed surface
2: Single axis tracking, vertical axis (fixed slope, variable azimuth)
3: Single-axis tracking, axis is in the plane of the surface
4: Two-axis trackingsimpleinteger+1411-
Dimensionless[ ; ]    m    -           @?      a        2              ????????       ?     Weather data fileOC:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\ES-Valencia-82850.tm2 OC:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Weather\Meteonorm\Europe\ES-Valencia-82850.tm2HC:\Archivos de programa\Trnsys16\Weather\US-TMY2\US-TX-El-Paso-23044.tm2   Data Reader Mode     m               2         ] \?    @?      a    7How many surfaces are to be evaluated by This Type 109?            \?    ^?      Slope of surface SN?The slope of the surface or tracking axis.  The slope is positivewhen tilted in the direction of the azimuth. 0 = Horizontal90 = Vertical facing toward azimuthRefer to the abstract for details on slope specification for trackingsurfaces.simplereal+0+900.00.0degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    y    degrees\?    ^?      Azimuth of surface SN?"The solar azimuth angle is the angle between the local meridian andthe projection of the line of sight of the sun onto the horizontalplane.0  = Facing equater90 = Facing west180 = Facing north270 = Facing eastRefer to the abstract for deatils on the azimuth parameter for tracking surfaces.simplereal+-360+3600.00.0degreesDirection (Angle)[ ; ]    y    degrees                         -x? ? ? ?     3   3   @?       F         d      $   | ?ACEGIKMOQSUWY[]_
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Water Loop   >?    Air Loop   >?    Outputs   >?    Text   >?    Controls       Type109-TMY2-2? 
Type109-TMY2a Type65d?    
Type109-TMY2Type109-TMY2-2Type65dF ?  ?  

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