[TRNSYS-users] Inquiries about TRNsys DST moedl

Jeff Thornton thornton at tess-inc.com
Fri Apr 15 07:38:02 PDT 2005

At 09:20 AM 4/15/2005, Marjorie Thilliez wrote:

>For my project, I need to simulate energy storage in aquifers (in wells 
>and not in ducts or boreholes).

I'm slightly confused.  Do you wish to model wells (vertical holes in the 
ground), or aquifers (horrizontal water layers)?

>Apparently, I may simulate aquifers with the component type 557 (vertical 
>U tube or tube in tube ground heat exchanger) but I read that models, 
>called DST (or TRNVDST) and XST, exist. They are created by Göran 
>Hellström and Daniel Pahud.

You cannot model aquifers with DST or Type 557 (the TRNSYS version of 
DST).  557 is intended for boreholes.  Hellstrom/Pahud have a model which 
models aquifers and I believe that it is in TRNSYS format somewhere 
(XST?  AST?).  You may want to check with them on the availability of this 

>Have you ever used these models? Which kind of problems have you ever met?

I use the Type 557 model all the time and, in my opinion, its one of the 
best models I have ever used in TRNSYS.  We've calibrated it against 
measured data on numerous projects and it has never failed to accurately 
model the ground heat exchanger system.

>Are they included in Geothermal Heat Pump Library?

Type 557 is included in the TESS Geothermal Heat Pump Library.  XST and AST 
are not currently included.

Jeff Thornton

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
Jeff Thornton                                   2916 Marketplace Drive
Principal                                       Suite 104
Phone:  (608) 274-2577                  Madison WI 53719
Fax:  (608) 278-1475                            USA
E-mail:   thornton at tess-inc.com
Web Page:       www.tess-inc.com

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