[TRNSYS-users] phase change materials

Werner Keilholz werner at cstb.fr
Mon Sep 27 00:42:23 PDT 2004

Thinking about it, there is also an article about this in our online 
library, (only in French, but with nice pictures) by Maha AHMAD:

CELLULES 3D <http://software.cstb.fr/articles/Sophia2004/09_AM_MCP.ppt>  

  	  	> Maha Ahmad 	6èmes journées TRNSYS francophones - Sophia, 24 mars 



Werner Keilholz wrote:

> Hi Micha,
> There is a TRNSYS type for PCM originaly developped by
> Juha Jokisalo, Piia Lamberg  (piia.lamberg at hut.fi), Kai Siré
> at Helsinki University of Technology of Finland.
> This type was recently updated to TRNSYS 15 by CSTB Grenoble. I think
> it was planned to add it to the free TRNLIB, but as far as I know it has
> not been done yet. But you can contact directly the people who are 
> using it at
> CSTB :
> AHMAD Maha (m.ahmad at cstb.fr)
> QUENARD Daniel (quenard at cstb.fr)
> Werner
> Micha Wengert wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to know, if someone is experienced with the simulation 
>> of phase change materials in Trnsys. Does there exist a special type?
>> Thank you very much.
>> Best regards,
>> Michael Wengert
>> **********************************************
>> TEB
>> Transferzentrum
>> Energieeffizientes
>> Bauen GmbH
>> Dr. Thomas Dippel
>> Seemühle 11
>> D-71665 Vaihingen/Enz
>> Tel.: +49 (7042) 9532-48
>> Fax: +49 (7042) 9532-49
>> email: wengert at teb-online.de <mailto:wengert at teb-online.de>
>> ***********************************************
>  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Software Development Group Leader
>  \____/     CSTB Sophia Antipolis, SAIL
>  /    \____ s-mail: BP 209, 06904 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,  F R A N C E
>  \____/     phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 00 -- fax: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 33
>  /    \____ Mailto:werner at cstb.fr -- ASPAM=antispamwpk42
>  \____/     http://evl.cstb.fr/english/team/WK/werner.htm
>WARNING : Email is not a reliable medium. Never asume that any 
>          email you send is actual read by a human being.


  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Software Development Group Leader
  \____/     CSTB Sophia Antipolis, SAIL
  /    \____ s-mail: BP 209, 06904 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,  F R A N C E
  \____/     phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 00 -- fax: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 33
  /    \____ Mailto:werner at cstb.fr -- ASPAM=antispamwpk42
  \____/     http://evl.cstb.fr/english/team/WK/werner.htm

WARNING : Email is not a reliable medium. Never asume that any 
          email you send is actual read by a human being.

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