[TRNSYS-users] phase change materials

Werner Keilholz werner at cstb.fr
Mon Sep 27 00:38:44 PDT 2004

Hi Micha,

There is a TRNSYS type for PCM originaly developped by

Juha Jokisalo, Piia Lamberg  (piia.lamberg at hut.fi), Kai Siré
at Helsinki University of Technology of Finland.

This type was recently updated to TRNSYS 15 by CSTB Grenoble. I think
it was planned to add it to the free TRNLIB, but as far as I know it has
not been done yet. But you can contact directly the people who are using 
it at

AHMAD Maha (m.ahmad at cstb.fr)
QUENARD Daniel (quenard at cstb.fr)


Micha Wengert wrote:

> Hello,
> I would like to know, if someone is experienced with the simulation of 
> phase change materials in Trnsys. Does there exist a special type?
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Michael Wengert
> **********************************************
> Transferzentrum
> Energieeffizientes
> Bauen GmbH
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> Fax: +49 (7042) 9532-49
> email: wengert at teb-online.de <mailto:wengert at teb-online.de>
> ***********************************************


  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Software Development Group Leader
  \____/     CSTB Sophia Antipolis, SAIL
  /    \____ s-mail: BP 209, 06904 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS,  F R A N C E
  \____/     phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 00 -- fax: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 33
  /    \____ Mailto:werner at cstb.fr -- ASPAM=antispamwpk42
  \____/     http://evl.cstb.fr/english/team/WK/werner.htm

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