[TRNSYS-users] sim studio: direct access

Werner Keilholz werner at cstb.fr
Mon Nov 22 07:51:39 PST 2004

Hi David,

Its a good idea, but unfortunately a bit late to make it into TRNSYS 16...

However, some of our users create 'TRNSYS workgroups' by just using 
mounted drives:

1. Share your TRNSYS16 directory (right-click on Trnsys16, Properties, 

2. On your co-worker's machine, mount a new drive, e.g. T: (like Trnsys 
:-) -
in the explorer Tools/Map Network Drive...

3. Start the Studio from the mounted drive (e.g. 

Beware of the shortcut in \Trnsys16, which will typically point to your 
local installation.

You co-worker will have to wait a little longer to start the Studio over 
the network,
but each time he choses Direct Acess/Refresh Tree (or when re-starting) 
he will
run the same DLL as you and see all the new models you have created in the
meantime !


David Chèze wrote:

> Hello!
> In our office, we are 3 users involved in simulation with TRNSYS 16 
> and want to share our TRNSYS models through shared directories on our 
> server: it's not so easy to do it because of the proformas that had to 
> be saved in the Studio/Proformas directory of the installation 
> directory, on the local machine, in order to be viewed in the Direct 
> access tree. Of course we can use the "insert tree" function but it 
> might be useful to manage a list of "based library folder" (from the 
> Settings) to add user's defined components in a network shared folder.
> Something like:
> based library folder: 
> "%TRNSYS16%\Studio\Proformas";"\\MyServer\TRNdir\UserProformas";etc...


  /    \____ Werner Keilholz, Software Development Group Leader
  \____/     CSTB Sophia Antipolis, SAIL
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  \____/     phone: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 00 -- fax: +33 (0)4 93 95 67 33
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