[Equest-users] Meters with Zeros in PS-B Report

Ahmad Fraij fraij at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 18 02:19:30 PDT 2023

Hello All,
I am modeling solar PV system and combined heat & power (CHP) in the attached model. I have assigned electric meter to the solar PV system, electric meter to the excess of the solar PV system production and electric meter to the CHP. I have also assigned a fuel meter to the CHP. 
When I run the simulation and go to the simulation report PS-B I find that all these meters have zeros for all the months. Also in report PS-C, there are zeros for the solar system and the CHP productions. However, when I assign the eQUEST default electric meter EM1 to the solar PV system and the default EM1 and FM1 to the CHP, I get the production of electricity in report PS-C for both the solar PV system and the CHP.
Can anybody help me out and let me know why I am getting zeros when I assign meters other than the eQUEST default meters? The files of this model are attached for your review if you have time.
Thank you very much for the help.
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