[Equest-users] Outdoor Air , Air flow ...

Mateo Guadalfajara mateo_mw at hotmail.com
Mon May 3 04:47:31 PDT 2010

Hello I am revisining a project of a hospital and changing the insulation of the walls from 0,063 feet to 0,52feet I get a very low reduction in heating and cooling (1%) needs, so I have suppose that the ventilation and the infiltrations in the building are over seized.

I have revise them and I have in the conditioned spaces 0,50 cfm/ft2 or Air Flow and 46,2 cfm/person. 


It´s that too much? What is it exactly outdoor air?

I am eliminating the outdoor air from all the rooms because I think that outdoor air is the air that come from windows and infiltrations. 


Thanks for answering


          Mateo de Guadalfajara 

          mateo_mw at hotmail.com

          Zaragoza, Spain University Student.
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