[Equest-users] Outdoor Air , Air flow ...

John Aulbach jra_sac at yahoo.com
Mon May 3 08:26:24 PDT 2010


Hospitals in the United States come with very strict outdoor air requirements. So when you say you change the outdoor air requirement, it will not be a single number.

ASHRAE 62.1 (2007 ??) describes what outdoor air requirements are needed for what spaces. That would be the best source.

You also indicate you are changing wall thinckness (or is that insulation thickness). I have found changing wall insulation doesn't matter that much in energy savings. Changing window sizing and properties has a greater impact.

I am sure some of my colleagues on this web site have much greater hospital experience and will share that with you.

Just after we in the US get our first cups of coffee...

From: Mateo Guadalfajara <mateo_mw at hotmail.com>
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Sent: Mon, May 3, 2010 4:47:31 AM
Subject: [Equest-users] Outdoor Air , Air flow ...

Hello I am revisining a project of a hospital and changing the insulation of the walls from 0,063 feet to 0,52feet I get a very low reduction in heating and cooling (1%) needs, so I have suppose that the ventilation and the infiltrations in the building are over seized.
I have revise them and I have in the conditioned spaces 0,50 cfm/ft2 or Air Flow and 46,2 cfm/person. 
It´s that too much? What is it exactly outdoor air?
I am eliminating the outdoor air from all the rooms because I think that outdoor air is the air that come from windows and infiltrations. 
Thanks for answering
          Mateo de Guadalfajara 
          mateo_mw at hotmail.com
          Zaragoza, Spain University Student.

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