[Bldg-sim] energy plus/open studio hourly results (DView)

Gurneet Singh gurneet at edsglobal.com
Mon Jun 17 07:04:12 PDT 2019

Hi Karol,

You can use the openstudio measure to export an output variable in csv or
xls file format. You have to use this in conjunction with Add Output
Variable measure.

Add Output Variable: https://bcl.nrel.gov/node/37843
Export Output Variable : https://bcl.nrel.gov/node/83268

I hope it helps.


Gurneet Singh

Environmental Design Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
D-1/25, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110057

[m] +91 9899240140    [t] +91 11 2614 7085    [f] +91 11 4056 8633
gurneet at edsglobal.com | www.edsglobal.com

On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 4:18 PM Karol Bandurski via Bldg-sim <
bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org> wrote:

> Dear Experts,
> We start work with student in OpenStudio. Now we would like to explore
> hourly results.
> 1)      Is some simple way to export all hourly results to *.csv / *.xls
> format?
> 2)      We try to use DView. But it is not manage to open file, it close
> itself. What could be wrong…
> Our file:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/7c87etxszrlwbiz/eplusout.sql?dl=0
> Kind regards,
> Karol
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Karol BANDURSKI M. Sc.
> Faculty of Civil and Environemntal Engeneering
> Division of Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Protection
> Poznan University of Technology
> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karol_Bandurski
> www.put.poznan.pl/~karol.bandurski
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