[Bldg-sim] 90.1 - leaving air temperature (DX cooling / Economizer)
Julien.Dutel at mern.gouv.qc.ca
Julien.Dutel at mern.gouv.qc.ca
Mon Nov 23 13:11:29 PST 2015
Section of 90.1-2013, requires that the "outdoor air damper does not begin to close to prevent coil freezing due to minimum compressor run time until the leaving air temperature is less than 45°F"
1) I'm not an expert with refrigeration system, and I want make sure that I have the good interpretation of what is the "leaving air" .
A) "Leaving air" is the mixed air (outside air + return air) that leaves the evaporator coil of a DX cooling system, so it's pretty much equivalent to the supply air.
B) "Leaving air" is the air leaving the outdoor air damper, so it's equivalent to the outside air.
2) If the answer is A, based on your experience in the field, have you notice any comfort problem by supplying air at 45°F when the unit setpoint is typically at 55°F ?
Many thanks,
Julien Dutel, ing., CEM, CMVP.
Direction des secteurs résidentiel, institutionnel et des affaires
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